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Spiral Sensor

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit
Dilihat Sebanyak
38 kali


Lebih dari 40 tahun lebih Kami menjadi Supplier peralatan Pengujian material konstruksi untuk keperluan peralatan Konstruksi Gedung, Jalan, Jembatan, Bendungan, dan konstruksi teknik sipil lainnya, khusus untuk peralatan kualitas Tanah, Beton, Aspal, Batuan dan material konstruksi lainnya.Kami menjadi Agen resmi dari beberapa merek yang sudah dikenal di Dunia dalam bidangnnya untuk material konstruksi dan juga instrumentasi pengawasan pergerakan lahan, Cuaca, dsb.. Beberapa merek yang kami agenkan antara lain : - Controls – Italia ( alat pengujian laboratorium dan lapangan untuk material konstruksi) ; - IPC - Controls Group - Australia (Alat Uji "Super Pave" pada material Aspal)  - Slope Indicator – USA ( Instrumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengawasi pergerakan, penurunan, deformasi lahan) untuk menunjang perencanaan bangunan yang Effisien; - Hydrological Services – Australia ( Instrumentasi pemantauan cuaca) ; - Unidata – Australia ( Instrumentasi pemantauan cuaca dengan telemeteri system) ; - Nikon – Japan ( microscope) , dsb. Selain bidang yang telah kami jelaskan diatas, kami juga menyediakan peralatan laboratorium untuk Bidang Lainnya yaitu : Life Science, Petrochemical, Industrial, Dll.Outline Of Business : Geotechnic Dept : Controls ( Italy) : Testing Equipment for Soils/ Concrete/ Aggregates/ Bituminous/ Asphalt/ Cement/ Rock, Etc Slope Indicator ( USA) : Inclinometers / Piezometers / Vibration Monitor / Extensometers / Strain Gages / Intelligent Data Acquisition System, Etc. Hydrological Services ( Australia) : Current Meter / Water Level Instruments / Hydromat Data Collection Equipment / Automated Weather Observations, Etc. Unidata ( Australia) : Waterlevel Measurement, Waterquality Monitoring, Weather Station System ( Analog and Telemetry System) TPS ( Australia) : instrumentation for pH, Redox, Specific Ions, Conductivity, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity and Temperature for Research and Industry. Troxler ( USA) : Quality Control and Measurement Equipments / Moisture and Density Gauges / Surface Thin Layer Density Gauge / Non Nuclear Density Gauge / Asphalt Content Gauge, etc.

Detail Spiral Sensor

Spiral Sensor Aplikasi : Inclinometer casing controls the orientation of the inclinometer probe. If the casing is twisted, the orientation of the probe will vary, and the resulting data will indicate an incorrect magnitude of movement in the A and B directions. The spiral sensor checks for spiral and provides measurements that can be used to correct inclinometer data obtained from spiraled casing. Although not required for most inclinometer installations, spiral surveys are recommended when: - The installation is very deep. - Inclinometer readings indicate movement in an unlikely direction. - Extreme accuracy is required. - Difficulties were experienced during installation of the casing. Operation The spiral sensor, connected to an inclinometer control cable and read-out, is lowered to the bottom of the casing. Spiral readings are recorded at 1.5-meter ( or 5-foot) intervals as the sensor is drawn to the top of the casing. Readings are displayed in arc minutes. In a full spiral survey, the sensor is drawn through the casing four times, with its orientation changed 90 degrees each time. Data Reduction If spiral correction is required, the data is processed with specialized software such as Slope Indicator' s DigiPro program. DigiPro calculates the spiral correction required at each inclinometer reading depth, and then applies the correction when it generates a graph or report. Advantages Checks Installation: The spiral sensor can be used to verify that casing was installed properly, without spiral. Improves Accuracy: Spiral correction can improve accuracy and ease interpretation of data. In some cases, spiral correction allows continued use of inclinometer casing that would otherwise be abandoned or replaced. Works with Digitilt System: The spiral sensor is compatible with inclinometer control cable and Digitilt indicators. No additional equipment is required.
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