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Uji pemisahan aspal Metode Sentrifus 75-B2222

Update Terakhir
01 / 03 / 2023
Min. Pembelian
1 Set
Dilihat Sebanyak
97 kali
Harga Mulai
Rp. 123
Sampai dengan
Rp. 234
Lebih dari 40 tahun lebih Kami menjadi Supplier peralatan Pengujian material konstruksi untuk keperluan peralatan Konstruksi Gedung, Jalan, Jembatan, Bendungan, dan konstruksi teknik sipil lainnya, khusus untuk peralatan kualitas Tanah, Beton, Aspal, Batuan dan material konstruksi lainnya.Kami menjadi Agen resmi dari beberapa merek yang sudah dikenal di Dunia dalam bidangnnya untuk material konstruksi dan juga instrumentasi pengawasan pergerakan lahan, Cuaca, dsb.. Beberapa merek yang kami agenkan antara lain : - Controls – Italia ( alat pengujian laboratorium dan lapangan untuk material konstruksi) ; - IPC - Controls Group - Australia (Alat Uji "Super Pave" pada material Aspal)  - Slope Indicator – USA ( Instrumentasi yang digunakan untuk mengawasi pergerakan, penurunan, deformasi lahan) untuk menunjang perencanaan bangunan yang Effisien; - Hydrological Services – Australia ( Instrumentasi pemantauan cuaca) ; - Unidata – Australia ( Instrumentasi pemantauan cuaca dengan telemeteri system) ; - Nikon – Japan ( microscope) , dsb. Selain bidang yang telah kami jelaskan diatas, kami juga menyediakan peralatan laboratorium untuk Bidang Lainnya yaitu : Life Science, Petrochemical, Industrial, Dll.Outline Of Business : Geotechnic Dept : Controls ( Italy) : Testing Equipment for Soils/ Concrete/ Aggregates/ Bituminous/ Asphalt/ Cement/ Rock, Etc Slope Indicator ( USA) : Inclinometers / Piezometers / Vibration Monitor / Extensometers / Strain Gages / Intelligent Data Acquisition System, Etc. Hydrological Services ( Australia) : Current Meter / Water Level Instruments / Hydromat Data Collection Equipment / Automated Weather Observations, Etc. Unidata ( Australia) : Waterlevel Measurement, Waterquality Monitoring, Weather Station System ( Analog and Telemetry System) TPS ( Australia) : instrumentation for pH, Redox, Specific Ions, Conductivity, Salinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Turbidity and Temperature for Research and Industry. Troxler ( USA) : Quality Control and Measurement Equipments / Moisture and Density Gauges / Surface Thin Layer Density Gauge / Non Nuclear Density Gauge / Asphalt Content Gauge, etc.

Detail Uji Pemisahan Aspal Metode Sentrifus 75-B2222

Centrifuge Binder Extractors - uji pemisahan aspal dan penentuan kadar aspal dari campuran beraspal dengan cara sentrifus

Model : 75-B2212, 75-B2222, 75-B2312, 75-B2322
Brand/Supplied From : Controls – Italy
Standards : EN 12697-1, ASTM D2172, AASHTO T164-A (Padanan SNI 03-6894-2002)

ASTM D2172 : 1.1 These test methods cover the quantitative determination of bitumen in hot-mixed paving mixtures and pavement samples.


The centrifuges are used for the determination of bitumen percentage in bituminous mixtures. All models comprise a removable precision-machined rotor bowl housed in a cylindrical aluminium box. They are driven by an electric motor fit with AC drive (inverter) with the double function of speed control up to 3600 r.p.m. regardless of the frequency (50 or 60 Hz) and electrical braking. The centrifuge can be set for the automatic speed ramp up to 3600 r.p.m. or to any intermediate speed by the front knob. A digital display monitors the frequency, which is proportional to the speed.
The rotating unit is suspended on the base by four calibrated springs, which assure a perfect stability all over the test. The cover is precisely machined and fit with solvent resistant gasket to avoid leakages.
All models are fit, for emergency use, by a hand brake system. The control panel includes: Start/Stop button, speed control knob, and digital display.
Two capacities and two versions available:

Standard 1500 and 3000 g cap. (75-B2212,75-2214; 75-B2312,75-2314)
Explosion proof 1500 and 3000 g cap. (75-B2222; 75-B2322)
The standard models can be upgraded with an electromagnetic system to prevent the opening of the cover during rotation. This option (see code 75-B2210/UP1) is applicable on standard models only and has to be factory installed.

All centrifuges are supplied complete with 100 filter discs.
All centrifuges can fit different capacity spare bowls (75-B0022/2 and 75-B0023/2)

Technical Specifications

AC drive motor (inverter), 550 W
Overall dimensions (lxdxh): 539x406x509 mm
Weight approx.: 54 kg

Informasi Produk :
Yudhistira, ST
Alat Uji Aspal

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